
Losing of “Dublin Dr Pepper” was big news for the Dublin Citizen

As many small town newspapers know, when a major news events happens, you become the center of information. The demise of Dublin Dr Pepper was not as big an event as many towns have had to deal with (such as ElDorado) but it was major news and attracted a lot of attention from large dailies as well as metro TV stations.

Many use the newspaper as a source of background information as well as a prop for their newscast. Having been with major dailies as well as one TV station, I like to help out as I want them to have the right information.

Unfortunately, some strike out on their own and somehow don’t get all the information. Many of the out-of-towners sought information before it was available and kept calling, but that also helped me trace down rumors so I could keep on top of the situation.

I don’t know how big this news cycle will continue – of course, for us it will be a story for some time to come as we deal with the fallout of losing our “brand” name and identity.

It’s a story most of us have not had to deal with as it is unusual due to the “branding” of Dublin.

By Mac McKinnon

Mac McKinnon is a former police reporter at the Fort Worth Star-Telegram and a TV newsman in Midland-Odessa. He was publisher of several community newspapers before returning back home to Dublin to take over the Citizen.