If you’ve been to one of our Web workshops you’ve probably heard us talk about the Flip camera. It’s an easy-to-use, point-and-shoot video camera that we’ve recommended for those who want to get started with digital video.
Now we have one (a Flip Ultra, worth $149), and we want to give it to you, the community journalists who take advantage of our online services.
To be eligible to win this all you have to do is be a registered user of this site, and a subscriber to our e-mail newsletter.
If you’re not registered yet, just point your browser to /user/register and sign up. Make sure you leave the box checked for “Subscribe to Weekly update from the Digital Initiative” so you’re eligible for the Flip camera giveaway.
You’ll be entered into the contest additional times if you’re also our follower on Twitter (our username is @tccj) or a fan of our page on Facebook (just search for Texas Center for Community Journalism) so if you aren’t registered on either of those sites, this could be a great time to do so.
We’ll select the winner on September 21st, so sign up by then to be eligible.
This is only open to individual journalists (so you can’t register under your newspaper’s name), and you have to live in the U.S.
Good luck.